
SoFA comprises a distinctive, specialist research culture encompassing art writing, historical and critical theory, curatorial studies and research in, about or through creative practice. Teaching at the school is informed directly by academic staff’s active engagement in research, creative practice and scholarship.


As well as generating new knowledge and insights about and within the field of contemporary art practice, SoFA researchers contribute to institution-wide, interdisciplinary interests in topics around landscape and place, communities and responsible development, curation, heritage and health. 

Researchers and practitioners across the GSA that reflect the range of research being undertaken across the academic disciplines, often in collaboration with other disciplines and partners. They demonstrate how creative, practice-based, research can have an effect on, change or benefit the economy, government policy, culture, public services, health, the environment and wider society. 

In the REF 2021, overall 82% of the GSA’s research was assessed to be world-leading and internationally excellent, furthering the GSA’s position as one of the UK’s leading higher education institutions in art and design.  

75% of the GSA’s research outputs were ranked at the two top grades 4* (world-leading in originality, significance and rigour), and 3* (or internationally excellent) and, importantly, the significant impact of the research was also recognised, with 88% of the research impact judged to be world-leading and internationally excellent.


Professor Ross Birrell: Deepening Public Understanding of the Global Refugee Crisis through Curatorial and Arts Practice

GSA-Wide Emergent Research Strengths

Health & Care

Civic Heritage & Archives

Curation & Community

Responsible Development

Landscape & Place

In Focus:

The fine-art-led Reading Landscapes theme involves one of GSA’s most productive and inclusive research groups. Their successful Practicing Landscape: Land, Histories and Transformation exhibition in 2020 involved 19 members of staff, while the accompanying symposium is currently taking place through a series of online events.


Reading landscape Flickr

Fine Art: Reading Landscape

Research Flickr gallery


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